
I am a passionate civil engineer who specializes in the design and construction of structures. I am particularly interested in engineering structures and innovative building projects. I obtained a PhD in civil and environmental engineering at the Structural Xploration Lab (SXL) of EPFL Lausanne, which gave me broad expertise in structural optimization, form finding, sustainable construction, and life cycle assessment. My dissertation deals with the computational design of structures made of reused components with the aim of reducing environmental impacts. Through my studies in structural engineering at the Nuremberg Institute of Technology and my internships, I was able to gain experience in the design of steel, reinforced concrete, masonry, and timber structures. During my studies in the M.Sc. ITECH program at the University of Stuttgart, I worked together with architects and engineers on research projects on shell structures, digital manufacturing, and robotics. Due to my different activities, I have very good knowledge in handling common FEA and CAD programs as well as in programming. University teaching and student thesis supervision are also part of my academic career. In my spare time, I often go hiking in the mountains or visit engineering structures and cities. I like photography.

Professional practice

09⸱2021 – ongoing

schlaich bergermann partner sbp ⸱ Stuttgart ⸱ Germany
structural engineer

01⸱2016 – 08⸱2021
09⸱2012 – 02⸱2013

Werner Sobek Stuttgart AG ⸱ Stuttgart ⸱ Germany
working student and intern

01⸱2016 – 08⸱2016

ITKE – Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design ⸱ University of Stuttgart
student research assistant

04⸱2013 – 09⸱2013

GCA Projektmanagement ⸱ Nuremberg ⸱ Germany
working student

07⸱2011 – 08⸱2011

Lang Ingenieure GmbH ⸱ Ebermannstadt ⸱ Germany
student intern

08⸱2010 + 02⸱2011

Die Hauszimmerei GmbH ⸱ Obertrubach ⸱ Germany
student intern

Academic record

12⸱2020 – 08⸱2021

Post-doctoral researcher ⸱ Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) ⸱ Switzerland
Structural Xploration Lab ⸱ Fribourg

12⸱2016 – 11⸱2020

Doctorate Dr ès sc. ⸱ Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) ⸱ Switzerland
Doctoral School in Civil- and Environmental Engineering (EDCE) ⸱
Structural Xploration Lab ⸱ smart living lab ⸱ Fribourg
mentors: C. Fivet & G. Senatore

09⸱2018 – 12⸱2018

Visiting Researcher ⸱ Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB) & Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) ⸱ Belgium
Architectural Engineering Department
hosts: N. De Temmerman & M. Schevenels

10⸱2014 – 10⸱2016

M.Sc. Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research (ITECH) ⸱ University of Stuttgart ⸱ Germany
mentors: J. Knippers & A. Menges

10⸱2010 – 10⸱2014

B.Eng. Civil Engineering ⸱ Structural engineering ⸱ Nuremberg Institute of Technology ⸱ Germany


05⸱2023 – 06⸱2023

Circular Design Challenge ⸱ Professur Tragwerksplanung Prof. M. Beckh ⸱ TU Dresden
Summer school ⸱ Circular Design Challenge ⸱ European Bauhaus

11⸱2022 – 03⸱2023

ArchMA ⸱ University of Luxembourg
Block seminar “Building in a Circular Economy”

2021 – 2023

Fakultät Architektur⸱ University Kassel
Student project supervision / jury ⸱ Konstruktive Grundlagen III ⸱ Prof. Julian Lienhard

2016 – 2021

ENAC – School of Architecture, Civil- and Environmental Engineering⸱ EPFL
student thesis supervision ⸱ assistant for lectures and excercises ⸱ interdisciplinary and hands-on teaching and workshops (PENS-212 Seconde main constructive, AR-483 Interactive conceptual design of structural forms)

2014 – 2015

ITKE – Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design ⸱ University of Stuttgart
assistant for lectures and exercises ⸱ design of structures ⸱ bachelor program in Architecture

2011 – 2012

Faculty of Civil Engineering ⸱ Nuremberg Institute of Technology
assistant for lectures and exercises ⸱ engineering mechanics ⸱ bachelor program in Civil Engineering

Funding and Awards


EDCE Doctoral Program Thesis Distinction ⸱ Best PhD thesis of the year in the EDCE doctoral program ⸱ EPFL


ENAC innovation seed grant ⸱ Co-PI ⸱ 18’000 CHF ⸱ EPFL


Hangai Prize ⸱ outstanding research paper ⸱ International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS)


EDCE PhD Mobility Award ⸱ Travel scholarship ⸱ 4-month stay at VUB Brussels & KU Leuven, Belgium ⸱ EPFL


ArchDaily Building of the Year 2017 in small scale architecture ⸱ ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2015/16 ⸱ ArchDaily


Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Global Teaching Lab ⸱ Travel scholarship ⸱ University of Stuttgart


Karl Rieger Award ⸱ outstanding thesis ⸱ Faculty of Civil Engineering ⸱ Nuremberg Institute of Technology

2012 – 2016

Max Weber Programm ⸱ excellency scholarship ⸱ Free state of Bavaria
