1-to-3: Three pavilions sharing the same stock
SXL's entry at the IASS 2019 Pavilions Expo, October 7-10, 2019. With “1to3”, the Structural Xploration Lab shows the design of one bespoke kit of parts to build three structures of different…
SXL's entry at the IASS 2019 Pavilions Expo, October 7-10, 2019. With “1to3”, the Structural Xploration Lab shows the design of one bespoke kit of parts to build three structures of different…
Delivered every year by the International Association for Shell ans Spatial Structures, the Hangai prize recognizes talented young researchers, designers, and engineers working in the field of shell and spatial structures. The award…
Papers at the Annual Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, at MIT, Boston. July 16-20, 2018 Jan Brütting is presenting with Julieta Moradei a paper co-authored…